Thursday, February 26, 2015



The Immersive Education Initiative has been confirmed and will be coming to Paris, France this summer. The conference will address many topics surrounding the rather new immersive education initiative, including topics such as virtual reality, holograms, robotics, augmented reality, cybernetics, and more. The immersion conferences have a high reputation because of the various speakers and companies they bring in to speak every year. This year's conference will be even more exciting as it takes place in this beautiful city. More information about this event can be read at (

 Holography is a technology that allows for us to project and view three-dimensional images. It uses various forms of lasers, light intensities, and diffraction to produce an illumination of a picture. The three dimesional image works in the sense that it changes as the position and angle of the person viewing moves. It is almost as if a real object is present and you are viewing a physically present object.

Holograms are created when two laser beams reach and intersect each other with their light waves. The pattern is displayed by the interfering and interaction of the light particles from the light sources. In order to view the content it required a laser key which displayed the contents.

Holograms were first invented by a Hungarian physicist named Dennis Gabor. He was warded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in 1971. The ironic thing about this technology is that holograms was almost a mistake invention. The physicist was attempting to improve electron microscopes when he discovered the hologram technology instead.

 A very prominent company by the name of Musion, is known for its innovation in providing holograms to the next level. Some things they have down were providing holograms for the purpose of pure entertainment. There was a huge buzz regarding the Tupac hologram that was created for the Coachella music festival and that was done by this company. In addition, the company is attempting to pioneer holograms for educational and political purposes.

Another recent usage of holograms was announced by Microsoft and their "Hololens". This was an attempt for them to blend real and virtual reality. Microsoft Hololens was announced early this year and provides a new way to visualize work, share ideas, and connect with people across the world. Ultimately, it provides a new way to immersively utilize technology for an unlimited amount of possibilities.

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