Thursday, May 7, 2015

Final Project: My Boston Tea Party Ship

This is the picture of the Boston Tea Ship that I decided to use for my final.
Here I found a nice open space to build my boat.
This is the size of my boat that I laid out with wood.
Working on the base of my ship.
Finished the base of my boat. Starting to look nice.
Adding a black layer of coal to add the color that is shown in the original ship.
Added double gold layer for more colors and to match the color of the original.
Adding a fence to the deck of my ship!
Frontal view of the ship!
Putting in the deck of the ship.
Deck complete! Need to add the mast and finish the interior now.
Added stairs that go to the inside of the ship.
Nice even lighting to go inside of the ship.
Adding the three masts that are in the picture.
Mast complete!
All three masts are done.
Added tea crates to the deck of my ship.
Added tea crates in the inside of the ship.
Inside view different angle.
Added furnaces to the inside of the boat.
Created captain quarters. 
Tada! With a nice view of the ocean as well.

This is our final where we had to build and replicate the iconic Boston tea boats! It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

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