Thursday, May 7, 2015

Examining Gender, Race and Body Image in a Virtual World

I came to this world and no one would talk to me despite how many times I tried to say hi.
This world also was rather empty, what I thought to be a person was a bot talking to me.
This place I entered people were actually nice and friendly and genuinely looking to meet people to just chat with. I didn't expect such fast answers.
I asked the person questions about whether they used Second Life often and he responded saying that he did use it often to just chat, something I found quiet interesting. I asked these new acquaintances where would be a good place to go to.
I had a hard time finding people that weren't robots to talk to, unfortunately. 
Someone oddly said my name.
While this person just leaves.

I thought this overall was a very interesting experience. I was able to talk to various amounts of people but my avatar didnt really affect it too much because my account name is "JeffreyYi". I think this might have affected the results but regardless there doesn't seem to be too many people in SecondLife, at least not that I could find!

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