This is what I was prompted with after immediately opening the program.
This is after I edited some basic features such as height, weight, gender, and ethnicity as well! For height I converted my 5'11'' height to centimeters and found it be roughly 180 cm.
I was really shocked with how many different features you could customize. I feel like you could really create a good representation of yourself if you spent not only the time but knew how to maximize the programs use.
I put a suit on myself to make him look very professional and classy!
You could also configure poses/animations for your person as well.
This is after I changed more settings and also notably gave myself some hair. I don't think he looks exactly like me but not bad? What do you guys think!
This is Final#4 that uses the program MakeHuman. There are many features that you can customize to make the avatar look closely to yourself. It had many more customizable feature than the other virtual reality programs we have used thus far. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at
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